Sunday, April 5, 2009

“That’s So Canadian” – Inaugural Installment

Welcome to another great series within the LOLcat blog – “That’s So Canadian”! This is a series where I point out and describe subtle things that make Canada different from the US. And are totally adorable. Here we go!

That’s So Canadian item #4: Kraft Dinner

[note: we’re beginning at four because I’m sure I’ve already condescended to at least three other adorable Canadian things…]

Kraft Dinner is a Canadian phenomenon first introduced to me within a conversation about being an impoverished student. While discussing survival techniques, someone casually mentioned “eating only Kraft Dinner” for six months, to which everyone else nodded knowingly. I said nothing, and filed it away in the “I wonder what the hell they’re talking about” file.

The next night I was watching TV and I saw a commercial for the following product:

That is correct, “Kraft Dinner” is f#*#ing Macaroni and Cheese.

I brought this up the following day at work.

“So, Kraft Dinner, that’s mac and cheese, right?”
Mac and cheese? What’s mac?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s pasta and cheese” [please pronounce the word “paah-sta”]
“So it’s mac and cheese”
“It’s Kraft Dinner.”
“But it’s mac and cheese.”
“It’s Kraft Dinner.”

It’s Kraft Dinner. That’s Sooooooo Canadian.


  1. Ingrid!!! I saw this on your facebook page and am now adding it to my bookmarks! I also have a blog that is supposed to be a design blog, but it is kind of all over the place....I started it only a month ago or so......but take a look . I think I may go cook myself a Kraft dinner! :) Chau!

  2. I have never met a canadian who doesn't know the phrase "mac and cheese" so you are making this crap up.

    I was more annoyed when I went to the U.S. and they asked me if I wanted American cheese on my burger? What the hell is American cheese I asked..they said it was the Kraft kind..I'm like Oh so a processed cheese slice? Yeah...American cheese..that about sums it up.
